Another Video

We have been hard at work with these videos and we have a good amount of them now. Last time, we sent out our main video, but today we are posting a shorter video that does a good job illustrating our services even more. So, without further adieu, here is our latest video.



3 Tips To Make Small Spaces Count

When it comes to making your space count, figuring out how to position your belongings can be a major factor in getting the most out of your space. We have been working on ways to make everything fit in tight quarters or just ways to open up your rooms. Here are the top three things you can do to make your space matter.

  • Storage on Storage on Storage: What do we mean by this? Well, implementing furniture that can act as storage will keep your rooms clutter free while also adding a little stylistic flair. For example, using a repurposed chest as a coffee table can give your living room a rustic feel that can double as additional storage space. You could also get end tables to go on the sides of your couch or behind it to give your room a modern feel to it. Finding ways to make your furniture work double will be a great way to open up your space.
  • Shelves: Shelves can do a lot to make room in your home. A good solution is wall hanging shelves. This makes it so you have ample shelving space, but with out the bulk of a proper cabinet or bureau. With additional shelving in tight spots, you can make your house very modern without breaking the bank or cluttering your home.
  • Furniture placement: If you have furniture that you want in your room, you’ll want to find ways to pair it up with the others. End tables in our first tip are good examples of this, but making the idea work best requires creative thinking. You could take a long table and put it against the back of a couch. Using design sensibilities will go a long way, but, let’s say, you have a long thing table that doesn’t really fit anywhere at the moment. You could take that same table and position your couch to have its back face an open area. Put the table behind the couch and you now have a chic appeal, that doubles as additional storage for books and pictures.

With these tips you can find ways to make your small spaces seem bigger, or your big spaces seem more modern. It all comes down to presentation and personal taste, but with the right kind of mindset, you will be able to reinvent your room and get the most out of the space you have.

Cinco De Mayo

Cinco De Mayo is tomorrow and with it comes a large celebration that we here in Tucson are very familiar with. A lot of people have parties and what not, and this happens all across America, but what is the reason why we celebrate? Well, we decided to look more into the holiday and found some interesting fact that you may or may not have known about Cinco De Mayo.

For starters, the often mistake made is that Cinco De Mayo is a celebration for Mexico’s independence. It is not. That holiday is a very huge celebration that takes place in September. Cinco De Mayo is to commemorate the Mexican army’s unlikely victory over the French. It often gets misconstrued as the independence day, partially because it was such a monumental battle, but it is a completely different event altogether.

Still, there is a big celebration every year by both Mexicans and Americans and it has become somewhat of a big party holiday in the way that the 4th of July has become a big BBQ holiday. Since Tucson is so close to Mexico, the celebrations are oftentimes elaborate and festive, making it a great time of the year to be in Tucson. But we Don’t have to tell you that.

So for tomorrow, be sure to have fun and be safe, all while thinking about that unlikely victory at the battle of Puebla. Most importantly, be sure to stay safe out there. Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone.

Ten Ways To Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution:

The New Year is the perfect time to initiate a routine. It’s a common fact that with each New Year, we make our New Year’s resolution. Achieving these goals is easier said than done, but making them happen is very fulfilling. The overall question remains; “How can I make these things happen?” Luckily, we have some solutions.


  1. Get organized by cleaning out all your old belongings.
  2. Make achievable goals to start off each day (Morning walk, reading a couple pages in that book that’s been sitting).
  3. Set monthly progress goals that you can check once a month.
  4. Make a plan and stick to it for 21 days. It will become second nature by then.
  5. A simple routine mapped out with your goals will make be easier to stick to.
  6. Wake up thirty minutes earlier to get a jump on your day.
  7. Bring a buddy in with similar goals to your own. Making a pact will help you both achieve success.
  8. If cutting an activity out is part of your plan, substitute that activity with one you want to start doing.
  9. Stay proactive with your goals
  10. Write down what you want to achieve for the day. You will feel more motivated to do it.


These are just some things you can do to help facilitate your goal achievements. It all comes down to commitment, but following at least three of these tips will give you the insight needed to stick to your plan.


Merry Christmas

Well, it’s hard to believe, but it’s Christmas Eve and that means the Christmas season is almost at an end. The most important thing to remember is spending this holiday with the ones you love and care about most. After all, that is the point for the holiday season, isn’t it?

When all is said and done, you’ll be able to get right back on with your day to day, but for this one day in the year you will be able to sit around and enjoy all the comforts of being at home, exchanging gifts, and making some new memories.

When Christmas comes to a close, there is still the New Year to look forward to and all the possibilities that come with it. This is truly one of the best seasons to experience and we hope that each and every one of you reading this has a great moment this season that you can continue to think about for the many years to come.

So with that being said, we want you to have a great holiday full of all the things that will make each one of your individual Christmas desires fulfilled. After all, everyone deserves to have a great time this holiday season. Here’s to your Christmas and to a nice, long weekend. Happy holidays.

Street Fair and Parade Of Lights

Next weekend marks the annual Tucson parade of lights festival, a great event that brings a little holiday cheer to the whole area. We don’t get snow, so a lot of that holiday iconography gets lost. The Tucson parade of lights allows the community to rally around a holiday event in spectacular fashion. We are excited to announce our presence during this festival. We’ll have our truck and mascot representing Tucson’s best self-storage company. Come on down and enjoy a great holiday activity.

But that is next weekend and this weekend has a great event that is always a pleasure. If many of you have gone down 4th Ave as of last night, you have probably noticed all the vendor tents going up for this weekend’s street fair. This is an exciting time since the winter street fair helps bring in some of the holiday feelings with its festive nature.

Taking place on 4th avenue over the course of the weekend, the winter street fair will allow you to go through and experience the many local vendors shopping out their wares. It is a fun time to see what is out there, and there are tons of activities to partake in. If you go, expect to be in the company of over 30,000 people all there to enjoy this great event. Most of the vendors will be cash only, but don’t fret; there will be ATMs stationed throughout the fairs length.

Supporting these community wide events is important since it helps give Tucson the community identity we are famous for. They are also just a plain old good time. Be sure to check out the street fair as well as next weekend’s parade of lights. We hope to see you there.

Getting Organized

When your house becomes too cluttered you’ll need to organize. Organization has a lot of wonderful practical benefits, but can also add to mental clarity. When your house becomes jumbled with no longer necessary things, you can find yourself becoming encumbered by the mess. Also, you can lose important things that get lost in the fold. For today, we wanted to touch upon the subject of organization and how self-storage can help reduce a lot of the problems involved with disorganization.

When it comes to a cluttered house, many can find themselves becoming annoyed and uncomfortable with their surroundings. Your home is supposed to be the place for comfort, not stress, so when you come into it and there is an abundance of belongings, you might want to consider getting yourself a storage unit.

A lot of people have a hard time going through their belongings and designating things to throw out or donate. We understand that not everyone can move on quickly from their belongings, but that is why self-storage is great. If you have those items that you can’t find an immediate use for, but can’t bring yourself to throw out, get yourself a storage unit. You’ll be able to compartmentalize your household, while getting rid of some keepsakes that are starting to wear out their welcome.

The organization process is simple: go around your house, pick out the things that are starting to clutter, pack them up, and take them out to your newly rented storage unit. That’s the ease of it, and you can make your house’s organization happen almost instantaneously just by eliminating some of the bulk from your life.

We know that sifting through your belongings and figuring out what you no longer need is easier said than done. We get that, but we also know that having a de-cluttered, well-maintained house is one of the best things around. After all, you want to be able to kick back and relax without having to worry about your stuff overtaking you.

Quick Tips For Storage

Last night saw the Wildcats get their fifth consecutive victory, as well as their second conference victory. It was an exciting game, and had a close finish. This season has had a lot of moments like that for the Wildcats, and we hope this streak keeps going so that the team has their best run in years.

But now for the good stuff: Storage. Last week we ran an article about the diversity we are starting to see in the use of our units, but today we want to bring it back to the basics. What is the best way to pack a traditional storage unit? This is a question we are happy to address.

Quick Tips For Storage:


  • Pack things according to room: When you are putting things into storage, make sure to go through each room and pack for that room. This way, each box will have a place when it is pulled out of storage.
  • Color Coding: Another thing to help keep your storage unit organized is to color code the rooms. This way, you can see the room through color and that will allow you to locate things in a much more efficient way.
  • Organize your unit by place: Once you have boxes packed by rooms and a color-coded label system, fill your storage unit up with a strategic organization plan in mind. Make sure you can see each label from the opening. Also, pack the unit so you can access everything easily. This will make getting things out of storage much easier and it will take up a lot less time to do so.

These are quick tips that cover the primary basics in self-storage. When you are creating a packing plan, there are many things you can do that will make the storage experience better, but we guarantee that these three tips will be the fundamental pillars seen in any efficient storage plan. We hope this helps you create a great plan for storage, and we hope that it makes your moving and storage experience less stressful. As always, we hope you have a great weekend.

Things To Do While You’re In Tucson

It’s that time of the year once more. All the wildcats are coming back to our fair city, and are all looking forward to another great year of the college experience. For those of you joining Tucson for the first time, welcome. There are lots of things that you’ll find in our city that will make your time here exceptional. For those of you returning, welcome back. Lots of things have changed since you left, but that’s for the better and the city has become more diverse. It’s another year, but the fact still remains: Tucson is one of the best places to be.

Some of the sites worth checking out in the area will certainly dazzle the mind. We have a great combination of being a modern city while surrounded by extraordinary natural sights. It’s not hard to look around and see the beautiful mountains that line our city, but when was the last time you actually went all the way to the top of mount Lemmon and looked out at the vast landscape? If you’re new to the area, make this your first priority. If you’re returning, why not head up there and enjoy it for the first time this school year?

And if you haven’t yet, the Tucson street car is working in full effect. Take a ride on it, and see the downtown area like never before. With its expansive route, you’ll be able to navigate around town like never before. These are great times to stop and appreciate the city for all it’s worth.

So, for all those students newly joining us or coming back, we want to welcome you once again. Take a look and enjoy your surroundings when you’re here. With all the new innovations, and the small nuances that make Tucson unique, we hope each and every one of you will have an experience that will make your time spent in Tucson truly unforgettable.


Storing Tips

Another week comes to an end, but another blog post has just started. We’ve got a good grasp on the end of summer and how storage can help with the transition, but what about using the storage itself? Is it too complicated to just get in there and store things? No, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways that can make the overall experience better.

Like most things, there is a way to get the job done (loading up the storage unit as quick as possible) and a way to capitalize on good space management (meticulous planning to get the most out of your unit). We’ve been in the business for a long time, and have helped many customers over the years, so we felt like this would be a good time to drop some simple, but crucial, tips. Let’s get into it.

  • Clear plan: When storing at a storage facility, it’s important to have a clear-cut plan that will best service your needs. This is a given, but making sure the plan is going to work for your needs is going to come in handy when you start the actual process.
  • Pack by room: If you are moving things from multiple rooms into storage, then it is crucial to keep those things properly labeled. Having specific colors attributed to each room box will help you maintain an organized storage unit that will also have easy access should you need something later on.
  • Pack like you’re coming back: Sometimes it seems easier to pile everything in all at once, but this makes it more difficult to get things periodically, and can also make the move out difficult. When you pack concisely, everything becomes easier. Consider packing with heavy things on the bottom as a good base, and building up from there. Be sure to give yourself room to move around in the unit, while keeping the labels out so you can easily locate those boxes.

Following these simple tips will ensure a more efficient storage experience, as well as making access to your belongings much, much easier.